Reach Out to the Millions of Consumers, Showcase Your Destination with an Enhanced Online Booking Platform

Consumer Centric B2C Booking Platform for Your Destination to Sell Services and Packages

Destination management companies or inbound tour operators can have an edge by attracting direct consumer bookings by providing a seamless booking experience and showcasing their destination details with a user-friendly online B2C booking platform or CMS website.

ETOSDMC24 B2C booking platform allows inbound tour operators to create an impactful presence online with an SEO friendly website and an option to provide detailed content of their destination. The booking platform with the destination information encourages and develops trust to the consumers to book or enquire about direct services or destination packages.

ETOSDMC24 B2C integrates with third party inventory suppliers from bed banks, transfers, activities and sightseeing and has the capabilities for using DMC’s own inventory and products. The solution also has a capability to integrate with GDS, LCC and 3rd party flight consolidators.

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B2C Online Booking Portal for DMC

  • Integrates seamlessly with proDMC and bespokeDMC
  • Seamless integration of CMS module for destination details and photos
  • Service bookings: Hotel, transfers, holiday packages, tours, activities, day use hotels and rentals
  • Integrates with flight GDS and LCC
  • Own inventory and products or 3rd party API integrations
  • B2C profile management – My bookings, booking vouchers, Cancelation – linked with bookings
  • Post-sale support – Reschedule and Cancelation
  • Mid office system – Booking management, Front desk management, Supplier management, Service fee management
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Promo code management for marketing
  • Multi-language and multi-currency
  • 100% mobile friendly
  • 100% SEO friendly with tags and title management
  • Mobile application iOS and Android optional (at cost)

Partner Integrations

  • Flights
  • Hotels
  • Transfer & Activities
  • Payment Gateways
  • Car Rental



Transfer & Activities

Payment Gateways

Car Rental

Point Of Sale

B2B Booking Platform

Extend your travel service booking engine to travel agents and tour operators with our most user friendly B2B travel booking engine. Manage credit and cash agents with our advanced features of B2B booking engines such as hotels, tours, attractions, packages, day use hotels and visas that allow you to upload your contracted rates…

CMS Destination Website

Create a comprehensive destination website which will allow destination management company and inbound tour operator to provide complete content on destination with our in-built content management solution and show case products and services they specialise in. A completely SEO friendly and responsive website…